Consider the present and future environmental impact for each project by integrating the design with living processes. The following ecological strategies are fundamental and, ultimately, result in a lower carbon footprint.

Deconstruction: Construction and demolition waste constitutes a notable percentage of the total solid waste stream in the United States. Deconstruction is the process of dismantling an existing structure to maximize the reuse and recycling of materials such as cabinets, doors, lighting fixtures, hardware, and more. Materials in good condition can be donated to local salvage yards for resale. Any remaining construction waste can be sorted then disposed of or recycled. By choosing to deconstruct, waste and toxicity is reduced in our landfills and pre-owned materials become available for reuse.

Site: The unique location of a project affects both design decisions as well as the surrounding ecology. When planning a project, considerations include climate, orientation, proximity to public transportation, preservation of open space, views, and availability of utilities. Thoughtful project planning minimizes the impact a building has on surrounding areas after construction is complete. Responsibly routing site drainage, addressing the heat island affect via cool roof installation, and reducing light pollution on site are some examples.

Energy Efficiency: Improving the energy performance of buildings lowers operating costs, reduces pollution generated by power plants and other energy-producing equipment, and enhances occupant comfort. Building layouts accommodate passive solar design as well as daylighting and shading strategies, ultimately reducing HVAC loads and the need for artificial illumination. Lighting design always includes occupancy sensors, low efficacy fixtures, and attention to avoiding over or underlit spaces. Renovation projects also undergo a tightening of the building envelope, often resulting in a doubling or tripling of energy performance. This is achieved by adding insulation, replacing single with double pane windows, and replacing inefficient heating systems. Further energy reductions can be achieved by adopting a solar electric or hot water system for immediate use, or preparing the building for installation at a later date.

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Water Efficiency: Most water conservation strategies involve no additional cost to projects and yield rapid paybacks. The installation of dual flush toilets, instantaneous water heaters, low-flow fixtures, energy star appliances, and rainwater harvesting tanks for landscape irrigation are common design approaches. By designing to reduce water usage, clients benefit from reduced life-cycle costs while minimizing the drain on our aquifers.

Indoor Environmental Quality: While the finishes chosen for any project are client driven, materials that release fewer harmful contaminants are prioritized. Examples include petroleum and formaldehyde-free products as well as low or zero-VOC paints and stains. Specifications may include cellulose insulation, linseed oil based finishes, natural fiber materials, and plaster. Moldy environments also contribute to poor indoor health and are addressed by identifying and designing to stop water infiltration from faulty drainage or leaks. The overall aim is to protect the health of the installers, the building occupants, and the environment.

Materials and Resources: The extensive network required to extract, manufacture, and transport construction materials contributes to the embodied energy of a material. The higher the embodied energy, the greater the environmental impact. We can lessen this impact by incorporating salvaged materials, recycling existing resources, favoring local vendors, and specifying sustainably-managed and produced components. Examples of materials with lower embodied energy include bamboo, FSC certified wood, recycled content materials, and straw bale construction. Further, we can make resource-minded design decisions by efficiently sizing floor plans to meet program requirements. This is achieved by minimizing building expansion, circulation areas, and unnecessary spaces.

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